PIRATE YAKUZA ADVENTURE AHOY! - Goro Majima, a notorious ex-yakuza suddenly finds himself shipwrecked on a remote island in the Pacific. Unable to remember even his own name, he sets sail in search of clues to his lost memories, accompanied by a boy named Noah who saved his life.
GET YOUR SHIP TOGETHER - Discover beautiful landscapes accompanied by captivating music, immersive UI, & anime cutscenes. When an enemy pirate ship catches you in their sights, an exhilarating real-time cannon battle breaks out.
KICK ARRRSS WITH CREATIVE COMBAT - Dynamically switch between the “Mad Dog” and “Sea Dog” fighting styles to mix-up attacks and deliver explosive combos, juggles, and aerial takedowns that reward your creativity with over-the-top action.
GET YOUR SHIP TOGETHER - Discover beautiful landscapes accompanied by captivating music, immersive UI, & anime cutscenes. When an enemy pirate ship catches you in their sights, an exhilarating real-time cannon battle breaks out.
KICK ARRRSS WITH CREATIVE COMBAT - Dynamically switch between the “Mad Dog” and “Sea Dog” fighting styles to mix-up attacks and deliver explosive combos, juggles, and aerial takedowns that reward your creativity with over-the-top action.
Product Code: ERgvYRn
Product Condition: New
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